Scouting for the fall will be starting up this weekend (Aug 3-4) with our annual lock-in at the New Hope gym.
We will meet at New Hope at 7 pm and leave on Saturday 8 am. The troop will provide pizza for supper Friday night. Snacks, ice and drinks will be provided by the patrols. There is a refrigerator and freezer available at the gym. There will be no breakfast served on Saturday.
The lock-in activities will include a review of summer camp FCE (Blanco Blast) requirements taught and gear box cleanup, followed by games and movies. No R-rated movies allowed so don’t bother bringing them. Any PG-13 movies are subject to the review by the Scoutmaster. Scouts should bring their handbooks for sign-off of FCE requirements
Dress for the lock-in should be Class B t-shirts.
Mr. Schultz