Attached is information on Sprint for Life and directions to the event. We need to meet at New Hope at 6:00 am Saturday. Race starts at 7:30 am. Once we arrive on site we can help with setup at the finish line and begin icing down some drinks. There will be 2-3 pallets of water and Gatorade to distribute to the 3,000 or so runners. Once we are in position, the scouts can go, with a buddy, to the registration area and pick up some snacks for breakfast. The first runners will be crossing the finish line 16-18 minutes after the race starts so it doesn’t take long for things to get busy. We will be done with the main race by 9-9:30 and then there is a kids 1K race. With cleanup we should be done by 10:30 and on the way back to New Hope. The troop gets to keep any extra donated water or Gatorade so we will need to load that in my truck and, more importantly help unload it back at New Hope into the schoolhouse building.
From Missouri City we will go up South Main (US 90A), cross over IH-610 and turn right onto Braeswood Blvd. Then we go left at Bertner Ave to the Pressler Garage. The attached flyer has a map. The flyer says free parking in the Braeswood Garage but as Sprint fort Life volunteers we are allowed to park for free close in at the Pressler Street Garage.
We have 18 scouts and 12 adults going so I need all who committed to drive to do so. Remember scouts in the flag ceremony need to wear full Class A uniform. All others can wear Class B shirts.
See you Saturday.
Mike Schultz, P.E.