Here is what the judges are looking for in the Patrol cook off and Troop camp site inspection. Awards will be presented at Sunday morning’s Webelos Woods closing ceremony.
Patrol Cook Off
Thunder Wolf District Webelos Woods 2011
– Each Boy Scout Troop may present one dish for the Cook Off.
– This dish can be any entree of your choosing and cooked in any manner.
– If your Troop has several Patrols who are cooking a dish you will need to vote on which one dish is to be presented.
– All entrees will be brought to the Camp HQ by 6PM Saturday Night.
Score Card
________ Appearance/Presentation 1-10 points
________ Taste 1-10 points
________ Texture (Moist/Dry/Tender/Tough) 1-10 points
________ Degree of Difficulty 1-10 points
________ Total Score – Max 40 Points
TROOP_________________ PARTOL___________________
Guidelines for Inspection
Campsite neat & free of litter & debris 20 points
(minus 5 points for any safety violation)
First Aid Kit in camp, stocked, & visible 5 points
Camp Gadget 5 points
(must be made by scout, 1 additional point for each gadget (maximum 2 points), minus 1 point for each misused lashing)
Boundary and Entrance (optional Gateway) 5 points
(5 additional points for Gate way structure with poles and lashing, minus 1point for each misused lashing)
SM & SPL Tents properly marked 5 points each
Troop and Patrol Equipment:
Duty Roster and Schedule Posted 5 points
Troop and American Flags Posted 5 points
Cooking Utensils & Equipment Clean 5 points
Dishwashing Equipment Clean & Dry 5 points
Water Containers/Bottles have lids on 5 points
Food stored properly & protected 5 points
Garbage container available and in use 5 points
Wash station neat & clean 5 points
Personal Equipment:
Tents neat & orderly (all open or all closed) 15 points
(minus 1 point for each tent occurrence, maximum 5 points)
Sleeping area neat & dry for each Scout 5 points