Serves 6-8 scouts
1 lb. hamburger
2 jars of spaghetti sauce
1 small onion
garlic powder
1 lb. spaghetti noodles
* Gluten Free option: In a separate pot, cook 1 package of gluten free noodles available at most grocery stores
1 2-burner stove
1 large skillet
1 large pot
Boil 2 quarts of water in the pot.
When it is boiling, add the spaghetti noodles. They will cook better if broken in half first.
While the water is warming, brown the hamburger, onion, and spice in the skillet.
When the hamburger is cooked, drain, and add the spaghetti sauce.
Simmer the spaghetti sauce while the noodles cook.