Year |
Eagle Scout |
Project Description |
2023 |
Christopher Schaupp |
- Project: New Hope Playground Renovation
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Remove and replace playground mulch and build benches.
2023 |
Vicente Dean |
- Project:QVE Garden Restoration
- Group: Quail Valley Elementary Garden Club
- Benefit: Clean out and restoration of QVE outdoor classroom.
2023 |
Ian Morris |
- Project:3 Little Pitties Rescue fence build
- Group:3 Little Pitties Rescue
- Benefit:Over 100 foot fence covering the front of a freshly bought property.
2023 |
Kyle Domonoske |
- Project: Church Rest Area
- Group: St. Angela Merici Catholic Church
- Benefit: A place for staff to sit outside and eat lunch under the shade together.
2023 |
Charlie White |
- Project:3 Little Pitties Rescue fence build
- Group:3 Little Pitties Rescue
- Benefit:300+ ft of fence and gate.
2022 |
Emiliano Ortiz |
- Project: Missouri City Community Park Footbridge
- Group: Missouri City Parks and Recreation
- Benefit: The demolition and replacement of a decayed footbridge connecting the disc golf course with the rest of the park.
2022 |
Alex Dobias |
- Project: Corral Fence Replacement
- Group: Rainbow of Hope
- Benefit: A new corral fence was built to make a safer area for the horses to graze and to be contained.
2021 |
Hayden Chilcote |
- Project: Parks Youth Ranch Conservation Project
- Group: Troop 1424 and Ridge Point High School
- Benefit: Improved living conditions and environment for resident youth with a troubled past.
2019 |
Christian Hood |
- Project: Field House Benches and Landscaping
- Group: Hightower High School
- Benefit: Built benches and planted shrubs in front of Hopson Field House
2019 |
Garrett Balaski |
2019 |
Connor Hendrie |
- Project: Bat Boxes
- Group: Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition
- Benefit: 18 bat houses were constructed to aid the Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition in stabilizing the population of the Austin Bat Colony.
2019 |
George Jackson |
- Project: Used Sporting Goods Donation and Sports Classes
- Group: Missouri City Parks and Recreation
- Benefit: Collect, recondition, and donate used sporting goods to underprivileged youth. Teach the youth how to play the sport .
2018 |
Liam Balaski |
2018 |
Carter Roosa |
- Project: Maintenance and Tool Shed
- Group: Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball League
- Benefit: The purpose of the maintenance and tool shed is to maintain the pitching mound. The shed was put on the end of the visitor’s dugout to make it easier to work on the mound instead of walking a long way where the old shed used to be.
2018 |
Benjamin Alcorn |
- Project: Sienna Fire Station Beautification
- Group: City of Missouri City
- Benefit: Designed a decorative garden that showcased the Fire Department’s station number in rock
2018 |
William Sturhan |
- Project: Elkins High School Outdoor Classroom
- Group: Mr. Lovetinsky, Elkins High School
- Benefit: Providing the school with wooden benches that provide seating for out door activities. Project comprised of 4 benches intended for up to 7-8 students each and a separate smaller bench intended for the teacher. All benches are cemented into the ground and stained with a clear coat to keep the natural color of the wood.
2018 |
Ronald Hood |
- Project: Tennis court benches
- Group: Missouri City Recreation Center
- Benefit: Built benches for the tennis courts at the rec center
2018 |
Kyle Schultz |
- Project: Edible Arbor
- Group:
- Benefit:
2018 |
Kyle Fuhrmann |
- Project: Dew Plantation House Landscape Project
- Group: Diane Ware – Fort Bend Museum Association
- Benefit: Installed four large rose trellises, metal and brick border around all flower beds, brick pad foundation for the memorial bench, flower beds set up around two magnolia trees and beneath the front sign, bushes and flowers planted in the beds, mulched beds, water hose set up to water the flowers, and finally, sugar cane was planted along the handicapped ramp at the rear entrance.
2018 |
Joseph Jarecki |
- Project: Pathway and Patio Beautification
- Group: Family Promise
- Benefit: Extended a pathway and reconditioned a covered patio at a home for displaced families.
2017 |
Pranav Thiagarajan |
- Project: Planting 100 Trees on the Slope of Independence Park
- Group: Missouri City Parks and Recreation Department
- Benefit: Planted and mulched 100 trees on the slope of Independence Park with the help of over 50 volunteers. A tractor flipped while cutting grass on the slope. Now there is no need to cut the grass and maintain the slope, as trees will hold the soil in place and prevent the grass from overgrowing.
2017 |
Alejandro Ortiz |
- Project: Kids Unlimited Deck Project
- Group: Kids Unlimited Foundation
- Benefit: The reinstallation of deck, staining and improvement of hand railings benefited Kids Unlimited Foundation. Kids Unlimited is a non-profit organization that benefits kids with cancer and their families. The site serves as a weekend retreat for families and host site for events.
2017 |
Elvis Dean |
- Project: Computer Donation and Teaching computer skills to students with disabilities
- Group: The ARC of Fort Bend
- Benefit: Taught about 25 students with disabilities basic computer use, word processing, internet safety, computer assembly, and how to use social media. At the end of the class, the students took home a free computer. Donated $950 to the ARC of Fort Bend that went directly to supporting youth programs.
2016 |
Matthew Alcorn |
- Project: Rock Garden at Missouri City Fire Station #5
- Group: Missouri City Fire Department
- Benefit: Build a rock garden incorporating Maltese cross in the design. The Maltese cross is an international symbol of firefighting and provides easy identification of a fire station from the street. The rock garden also enhances the look of the fire station from the street.
2016 |
Blake Blanchard |
- Project: Landscaping and Brick Pavers
- Group: Rita Drabek Elementary School
- Benefit: Brick pavers covered a section of muddy ground for carpool riders to stand while waiting to be picked-up. Landscaping enhanced the looks of the school from the street.
2014 |
John Moore |
- Project: Church landscaping and Drainage improvements
- Group: Missouri City Fire Department & Sienna Plantation Residential Association, Inc.
- Benefit: Provided foundation, new fencing and improved drainage for new storage shed.
2014 |
Alex Belding |
- Project: Picnic Tables and Horseshoe Pit
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Improved recreational facilities for members
2013 |
LLoyd Farley |
- Project: Construction and installation of bookshelves for bookroom.
- Group: Armstrong Elementary School
- Benefit: Armstrong Elementary is now able to store text books in an organized manner. This reduces textbook inventory errors and fundamentally save the school money.
2013 |
Dylan Allotta |
- Project: Information to be updated
- Group: Information to be updated
- Benefit: Information to be updated
2013 |
Travis Crissman |
- Project: Table, benches, and bookshelf
- Group: Holy Rosary Church
- Benefit: Furniture-quality table, benches, and bookshelf for the kindergarten classroom at Holy Rosary Catholic Church.
2013 |
Jeffrey Reid |
- Project: Benches
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Provide seating for contemplation on church prayer garden
2013 |
Kevin McNeff |
- Project: Landscaping Improvements
- Group: Heritage Rose Elementary
- Benefit: Added garden space creates an oval shaped relaxation space in front of school
2012 |
Travis Gore |
- Project: Replace Prayer Garden pathway and Prayer Garden maintenance
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Provided an all-weather gravel pathway through the Prayer Garden to the Outdoor Chapel.
2011 |
Nick Fowler |
- Project: Wood Duck Nesting Boxes
- Group: Missouri City Parks and Recreation
- Benefit: Provided shelter and nesting location for Wood Ducks.
2011 |
Micheal Johnson |
- Project: Construct and install playground picnic tables.
- Group:
Heritage Rose Elementary School
- Benefit: Provide additional seating for existing play ground area.
2011 |
Karl Schultz |
- Project: Construct and install a Literature Display Case.
- Group: Sienna Ranch Baptist Church
- Benefit: Custom designed cabinet unit and shelf hutches with display board for church announcements, hand outs and other congregational materials.
2011 |
David Heath |
- Project: Insalled landscaping at Volunteer Fire Department Station
- Group: ___ Volunteer Fire Station
- Benefit: Improved the look of the ____ VFD Station grounds.
2011 |
Cameron Hajek |
- Project: Renewal of a Community Park soccer kiosk that is used for posting game info by referees. Taking down existing structure and replacing it with a new kiosk.
- Group: Missouri City Parks and Recreation
- Benefit: Improved the look of the the Community Park and reduced maintenance costs.
2010 |
Steven Wilken |
- Project: Built altar and cross for the outdoor chapel at NHLC.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Allows a permanent altar for outdoor services.
2010 |
David Kronenberger |
- Project: David built a brick sign to mark the outdoor chapel for New Hope Lutheran Church.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Informs people where the outdoor chapel is and possibly attract new members to the congregation.
2009 |
Brian Farley |
- Project: Built storage shelves and installed drywall, lights and paint to an unfinished storage room in his church.
- Group: First United Methodist Church
- Benefit: Provided a clean, well-lit room for organizing and storing youth supplies.
2009 |
Lee Fowler |
- Project: Build two wooden shade shelters over existing teacher’s benches at Faith Lutheran School.
- Group: Faith Lutheran School
- Benefit: Provide shade for teachers while they are watching over students at recess. Also improved the appearance of the playground.
2008 |
Brandon Vail |
- Project: Refurbished the playground at NHLC, including replacing plastic under the gravel, pressure washing playground equipment, replacing damaged wood, sanding and painting metal railing, and weather proofing all equipment.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Provided a clean, safe playground for church youth.
2006 |
Justin Hajek |
- Project: Collected DVDs and Playstation 2 video games for Pediatric Cancer patients at MD Anderson Hospital.
- Group: The children with cancer at MD Anderson Hospital
- Benefit: Gave the kids an opportunity to have fun while in the hospital for cancer treatment instead of sitting in their beds with nothing to do.
2006 |
David Paske |
- Project: Built 3 picnic tables for First United Methodist Church, placed in the playground for use of the Sunday school classes and the congregation.
- Group: First United Methodist Church
- Benefit: Gave the church and youth groups a place to meet and sit outside.
2006 |
Michael Miller |
- Project: Built 4 park benches for congregation.
- Group: Colony Park Baptist Church
- Benefit: Gave the church and youth groups a place to meet and sit outside.
2005 |
Daniel Ogilvie |
- Project: Organized a drive to collect stuffed animals for the Missouri City Police Department to be used in crises situations involving young children.
- Group: Missouri City Police Department
- Benefit: MCPD uses the stuffed animals to help calm children in traumatic incidents. The donation helped the police department in their effort to collect the stuffed animals and helps the children in these crisis situations.
2005 |
Drew Fowler |
- Project: Built two picnic tables with benches for his church
- Group: Williams Trace Baptist Church
- Benefit: As of late spring 2005, Williams Trace Baptist had recently opened a new sanctuary, with new landscaping around the building. The picnic tables were a welcomed addtion to the landscaped areas.
2005 |
F. Duane Gordon |
- Project: Improve Yeque Creek Park nature trail at Lake Summerville by cleaning up hazardous items and placement of limestone borders to mark the path.
- Group: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the public park users.
- Benefit: Made the trail easier, more accessible, and safer to use.
2005 |
Jared Novotny |
- Project: Smoke detector installation in homes of selected disadvantaged elderly or disabled citizens in Fort Bend County.
- Group: Fort Bend Senior Citizens Incorporated
- Benefit: Provides early warning smoke detection for these at risk groups to help save lives.
2005 |
Marshall Sullaway |
- Project: Teaming with PSI Homesavers Project to refurbish a low-income family home.
- Group: PSI (Private Sector Initiative)
- Benefit: Provided volunteer workers and supplies to repair the house.
2005 |
Garrett Stein |
- Project: Build (3) large rounded picnic tables for NHLC.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Provides a place for church member groups to meet during nice weather or to rest outside while waiting for church.
2004 |
Tim Oldiges |
- Project: Flower bed with fountain built at Lake Olympia Middle School.
- Group: Lake Olympia Middle School
- Benefit: Beautifying the front entrance of the school.
2003 |
Trent W. Fucich |
- Project: Build 8 picnic tables for use on the 8th floor patio of the Shriner’s Hospital in Houston.
- Group: Shriner’s Hospital, Houston, Texas
- Benefit: New tables for patients, doctors, visitors and other employees to to sit at on the patio.
2003 |
Stephen D. Lecollier |
- Project: Flower bed renovation and cross hanging at NHLC.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Beautifying the land around the church.
2002 |
William G. Kronenberger |
- Project: Food drives and car wash benefiting East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry
- Group: East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry
2002 |
Edward J. Kronenberger |
- Project: Sand and repaint the rooms in the Community Center of NHLC.
- Group: New Hope Lutheran Church
- Benefit: Old paint was peeling from the walls. Repainting improved the appearance of the Community Center for the congregation and the many groups that use the center.
2001 |
Ethan L. Cope |
2000 |
John W. Boerstler |
2000 |
Gregory W. Tielke |
- Project: Book collection drive to benefit his elementary school.
- Group: Quail Valley Elementary
- Benefit: Provided books to students that they could check out and promoted literacy. It also benefited teachers by providing additional teaching resources.
1999 |
Todd C. Weliver |
- Project: Built a fence for a storage area at the ARC of Fort Bend County.
- Group: ARC of Fort Bend County
- Benefit: Provided security for the ARC storage area.
1999 |
Michael C. Baur |
1999 |
John. E. Hinote |
1997 |
Li-Chen Jon Tsao |
1996 |
James W. Bentley |
1995 |
Todd J. Williams |
1995 |
James V. Alton |
1992 |
Joseph P. Coburn |
1992 |
Tarun Mital |
1991 |
Erik P. Simpson |
1989 |
Kevin P. Simpson |
1980 |
Kevin Schabacker |