To all our new Scouts and Parents:
You can obtain your Scout Handbook at the Scout Shop and begin working on the Scout Badge requirements (I think it is page 17 in the front of the Handbook). The material for the Scout Badge is in the Handbook and the scout can see me or any of the Assistant Scoutmasters when he is ready to go over it. You will remember some of the material from the AOL requirements. There is a pullout section concerning child abuse protection in the front of the Handbook that parents (not the Scoutmasters) need to go over with the scout as part of the Scout Badge requirements. I would like all of our new scouts to receive their Scout Badge at our next Court of Honor on April 10 (save the date).
In Cub Scouts, you bought a new Handbook every year, but in Boy Scouts, the scout uses the same Handbook throughout (up to 7 years), so I recommend the spiral-bound Handbook as the pages don’t pull out as easily. Covers are also optional. As a Cub, my new scout made a cover out of leather, so you can do that too.
If all of this sounds like Greek, don’t worry. You haven’t missed anything and are not behind. Joe and I are arranging a time to have a new parent orientation meeting at New Hope within the next couple of weeks. This will most likely be on a Monday or Thursday (depending on room availability at the church) and separate from a troop meeting. The orientation meeting will have some Powerpoint slides about Boy Scouting in general, how troops operate, and how our specific troop functions. There will also be a time for Q&A.
Always, if you have any questions, you can reach me at the following:
Home phone: 281-431-4150
Cell Phone: 281-813-6434
Office Phone: 832-255-5560
Home email: [email protected]
Work email: [email protected]
Yours in Scouting,
Mike (to the parents); Mr. Schultz (to the Scouts)